Friday, January 8, 2010

LOVE.......a b c d e......well rest is undefined

Well i was very happy for my friend who came
and told me - "Yaar, I fell in love ? "

I said - "Fine".

But before we could even celebrate, he came and announced
"I am not in love now"
Well my reaction was not different from the earlier one.
I said - "Fine".

I did not want to give him any unwarranted advice on this, because people become deaf in such situations.

However the whole thing forced me to think about Love .

I was forced to go across waters which i have never been into.

Why do people FALL IN LOVE ??

Well i say " if you fall then its not love,
because if you are in love then u will not fall but stand in the
strength of love"

When i closely examined my friend's case, which speaks about many similar cases
i feel that my friend was never in love, he just wanted to be in love.
His desire to love and to be loved , pushed him to something which he mistook as Love.

One thing i tell you, never search love, let Love search you !!

And when LOVE find you, you will stand in it.

Because True love will give strength to stand, and will not let you fall.

We live in a world of words, where everything is put in words and phrases.

So is for LOVE.

Different people define it in a different way but no one can claim it to be
the exact meaning of LOVE.

But still an attempt can be put in, which i did.

I have heard guys saying this " I cant live without you , i will better die"
True love would never want one to die.
It would rather say "I would live for you, if you die".

People say Love is Blind.
but i say "Love is dumb", because it does need words to say
itself. Its just felt.

People say Love changes a person,
i say True love doesn't change a person, it changes the world around him.

And if your Love is changing you, then let me tell you
need to search for the True love in it...

For me Love is like a Chameleon, which can not only transform
itself in different colours but can also give its colours to everyone.

True Love can be a mother to you , when u need care.

True Love can be a father to you, when u need guidance.

True Love can be a friend to you, when u need support.

True Love can be your biggest encouragement as well as your biggest critic.

And True love can be the Love u need.

And one more thing, i keep saying true love.. true love..

Because i believe only true love can be everything

(care,guide etc) one need, and if

u have something which cant be all this, then you are just

in Love.

to be contd......